Have you ever felt in your sleep a shadow coming from an unknown source, to stop and take your soul? Did you feel fear, like you're in complete paralysis - helpless - without any hope for defense? What happens when we sleep?
The word in Slavic "mora" mean mistress, but many believe that the origin is from the Greek "Mormon" the mythological monster that scared the children by the ancient Greeks.
According to testimonies of people who have been visited by the Mora , it comes especially when you are sleeping on your back, climbs on or holding hands and pushing strongly the chest. The pain is strong and breathtaking to the point where the person feels he is slowly dying. This is a shadow trying to "steal" the energy of the victim.
The more scientific explanation, however, is that the "sleep paralysis" status that occurs after awakening and is characterized by temporary paralysis of the body. In the "sleep paralysis" brain wakes after a REM state, but the limbs remain stiff. So while the person realizes that he has awakened can not move at all. In sleep paralysis, or hypnoparalysis often attributed various phenomena that live during sleep as the night demonic visitors (mora, Shady, incubus, succubus).
The description of the symptoms of hypnoparalysis is also fit directly with descriptions dreams in which people see themselves lying in bed, unable to shake hands or feet. Something similar happens to the false alarm. Sleep paralysis allegedly commandeered the body of a protective mechanism, so the person can not move their limbs at bedtime. However, the scientific theory holds that all other phenomena that occur starting from there, are just delusions which are usually caused because the man wakes up when he would not want to wake up, that comes straight from the REM stages and comes in a state of consciousness before the time to activate the system that will bring the operating capacity of the limbs, panic and so, seeing all these pictures. For the mystery of what many scholars have investigated the paranormal world.It's about the world of shadows. A world intangible and parallel, where reside the Mora and the nightmare.
What is Mora?
The phenomenon of Moras is known by tradition more. It is not uncommon and occurs over thousands of years. The Mora is a phenomenon in which mainly when we were lying down and relaxing bedtime or hypnagogic stage, we feel an attack of something foreign to us crash, do not allow us to breathe and often accompanied by visions of dark forms, shadow. This is what is left and tradition as saying Mora or husky. It is the equivalent of the Saxon nightmare while Mora is the Balkan nightmare of English. What describes a person who has come into contact with the Mora is an experience of. However, it is too much people it affects. In a survey that had done Chafornt 20 years ago, showed that at least 15% of the respective experiences at least once in his life and this is the experience of staying in humans and which would describe. The experience is undeniable. It is a tale. It's an experience.
The experience of Mora
The experiences perceived more as a feeling that something was being attacked, something that crashed, which makes it difficult to breathe. And often that something looks very very in specific forms. Shadow forms usually resemble a dark hooded or , depending how one interprets it, like female figure with a hood, scarf, or some guy with hat topper sometimes sometimes cowboy-style.
Basically they see the silhouette or a creature sitting on them or pressing. It is much debate whether this is the product of their brain or something that really comes over them at that time. Most evidence suggests that Mora occurs when people are lying in bed in total darkness. There are testimonies of people who have no connection with these stages. See corresponding forms in completely different circumstances.
In general, according to most reports , the time it is in the stages before and after the deepest sleep , hypnagogic state , which is a sensitive time because the same time there is a balance between the conscious and unconscious that starts and moves from one and the other side
How do I know that I accept the attack of Mora?
Science can say "the Mora is it only when you are asleep." Do not accept that the other is Mora and all of the other characteristics. It depends on the researcher to accept what the characteristics that accompany this phenomenon is primary and what secondary. This has happened so far in any literature or any researcher investigating this phenomenon. There are 5-6 attributes:
1. if you're lying,
2. if you're at rest,
3. if you feel the sensation of chest pressure,
4. if you feel that you can not breathe,
5. you can not move, which is the basic of all - the stopping of the moment
6. and of course the images you see or all of these senses on this issue.
The secret power behind Mora
For this reason many victims of Moras wake up and feel that too many tired, like digging through the night. The shadow ,and of course, terror that you feel at that time, leading to loss of this very valuable substance, the vital energy of man. The worst thing to do in such cases is to be afraid, because this panic is the one who favors such situations.